November 03, 2012


Ladies and gents, it's Movember. Perhaps you know what this is, perhaps you don't or perhaps you're already tired of hearing about it but I really want to draw attention to this cause for a second. Basically, Movember is a worldwide charity initiative during which participating men (the so-called 'mo bros') grow a moustache. Just a moustache, everything else needs to be shaved off. Women (aka 'mo sistas') of course play a massive role in this as well, by supporting and challenging the men in their lives to take the plunge and grow a mo. Why? To raise awareness for prostate cancer. It's crucial for adult men to be able to talk about prostate cancer and get annual check-ups. Every six hours a man dies of prostate cancer in Belgium alone, making it the most common of cancers for Belgian males. Movember strives to literally put this problem in people's faces, so every man can be informed.

Now, you may wonder, why am I participating in all of this? Because it's cool? Because I'm just a good person? I'd like to believe that's true, but there's more to it. 
In 1994 my grandfather passed away. He had prostate cancer. At four years old, I didn't fully realise the gravity of the situation but I'll never forget that look of sorrow on my father's face. I can still see my sisters and I trying to console him as we wrapped our arms around his waist in the kitchen.
About a month ago my father was also diagnosed with prostate cancer. Though small and detected at an early stage, it's cancer nonetheless. He now has to undergo radiation therapy for almost 70 days. My dad was brave enough to get checked regularly and that will make the difference for him to conquer this disease, which I fully believe he will.

I hope you understand now why this cause means so much to me and my dad (who fully supports me in writing this, obviously). Growing that moustache makes me feel a little less powerless.
So, please: tell your father, uncle, grandfather, brother or friend about Movember. Who knows, you might just give them their life back.

If you want to donate a little something to our cause, you can go over to my Mospace: or that of our awesome team, Journalismo: Thanks for reading and power to the mo!


Photos of me at the Wasbar shave-off by the phenomenal Mr Mous Lamrabat.
Instagram by Prince Boby.

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